WhatsApp is without any doubts one of the most used mobile messaging applications out there. The application has over 1 billion monthly active users from all over the world and 95 percent of the smartphone users have installed it in India.
Unfortunately, if you own an “old” device, then we have some bad news for you, as the WhatsApp will stop functioning on many old smart phones. The developers of this application have already announced that they will stop supporting a good amount of handsets before the end of 2016.
According to reports, WhatsApp will no longer support Blackberry OS, Nokia S40 and Symbian OS before the end of 2016. In other words, if you have smart phones that run on any of these three operating systems, you should already consider purchasing a new handset (that’s if you want to keep using WhatsApp).
In addition, older devices that run on outdated Android, Windows and iOS versions will be in the same situations as the ones that run on Blackberry OS, Nokia S40 and Symbian OS. This announcement has been made a few months ago, but it seems that there are still a good amount of people who prefer to use older devices.
Using WhatsApp on older smartphones could be a security threat later since the developers will not released any new WhatsApp updates and security patches for these handsets. Third-party developers will most likely make their unofficial WhatsApp application to function, but keep in mind that using a third party or tweaked application is not recommended.
Here are the operating systems that will not be supported anymore by WhatsApp before the end of 2016:
- Android 2.1 and Android 2.2
- Nokia S40
- Nokia Symbian S60
- BlackBerry (including BlackBerry 10)
- Windows Phone 7.1
- iOS 6.
Its time to upgrade your devices if you still want to use Whatsapp.
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